ICSEI is a global community collaborating for enhanced quality, equity, and excellence in education, related to educational and school effectiveness and improvement
ICSEI’s purpose is to influence the quality of education by providing an international forum for researchers, policy makers, and practitioners. Our community comes together to:
- critically engage with new ideas
- conduct and promote research
- develop knowledge, policies, and practices
- innovate as world-class leaders in enhancing the quality and equity of education for all people around the world
- develop ideas, knowledge and research about the field, and communicate this in the public domain
ICSEI is an international community that represents and reaches policy makers, practitioners and researchers in over 80 countries. This allows different voices, different points of view and different perspectives to emerge. This inclusivity also ensures that ICSEI is a learning community which fosters debate, discussion and disagreement to promote new understanding and new knowledge.
ICSEI’s purpose continues to provide a truly international forum for researchers, school and district leaders, teachers, local and national policy makers and politicians, NGO personnel, and consultants who come together to share ideas, promote research, and encourage practices that will enhance the quality and equity of education for all young people.
As a scholarly learning community, ICSEI demonstrates the highest standards of research and intellectual debate. In this sense, it is also a scientific community drawing upon a wealth of research evidence over many years about how schools and school systems become effective and improve. It is the quality of the research base that has ensured that the field continues to influence policy and practice.
ICSEI is also a networked community. The ICSEI networks actively share ideas, generate research projects and generate significant practical research pieces. The formal and informal networks within ICSEI ensure that new knowledge is constructed, shared and disseminated across time zones and distance. ICSEI’s formal networks provide an international forum for the exchange of information and dialogue on critical issues though active discussion among researchers, practitioners and policy makers both online and at ICSEI annual and regional Congress.
ICSEI members are encouraged to join ICSEI Networks to strengthen and facilitate the sharing of thoughts, experiences, challenges and the building of professional learning communities between researchers, practitioners and policy makers. During Annual Congress each Network hosts a business meeting, pre Conference workshops, and supports the presentation of papers and symposiums specific to their focus area.