ICSEI Congress 2025

ICSEI 2025 will take place in Melbourne from 10th to 14th February. The conference is being organised by the Faculty of Education, University of Melbourne, and all conference activities will take place in the inner-city suburb of Parkville in the main campus of University of Melbourne.

ICSEI Membership

ICSEI’s members come from more than 50 countries and represent the continents of the world. They are researchers, school and district leaders, teachers, local and national policy makers and politicians, NGO personnel, and consultants, brought together by their passion and shared commitment to make a positive difference for all young people.

ICSEI Global Networks

Join an ICSEI global Network today and start collaborating and generating new ideas and research with our ICSEI members.

ICSEI Ethical Statement on Generational Renewal, Inclusion and Diversity

ICSEI is a global community collaborating for enhanced quality, equity, and excellence in education, related to school effectiveness and improvement. ICSEI’s purpose is to have an impact on the quality of education by providing an international forum for researchers, policy makers, and practitioners. Our community comes together to:

ICSEI Events

ICSEI events are held throughout year both online and face to face. Our flagship Congress, regional events and new researchers masterclasses are not to be missed.

ICSEI Library

Visit the ICSEI online library for the latest ICSEI Dialogic, ICSEI Monographs, Keynote Series and recommended books. Happy reading and reflecting!