Early Career Community

The ICSEI offers the possibility to meet fellow junior researchers from all over the world in the broad field of educational effectiveness and improvement. The objective of the ICSEI Early Career Community is to create an environment where early years researchers can socialize and participate in a scientific community. They can share and discuss their current research projects or how research inspires their professional work. It offers a great opportunity to exchange ideas and experiences.

Here’s an overview of upcoming events!

  • Early career session at the ICSEI congress (click here for the session at the ICSEI online congress 2021)
  • Mentoring program in collaboration with ARC, the AERA SIG EdChange and Int. EdNews. click here for an overview of all Educational International Collaboration activities #EdIntColl
  • Early career session at the AERA conference
  • Twitter chat sessions #EdIntColl
  • Mid-season Early Career session for junior researchers connected to the ICSEI official networks (to be announced).

These activities and partnerships are supported throughout the year by the ICSEI Early Career Representative Hannah Bijlsma. Hannah can be contacted at [email protected]

For more information follow @ICSEIglobal and #EdIntColl on Twitter and LinkedIn.