Methods of Researching Educational Effectiveness and Improvement Network

The Methods of Researching Educational Effectiveness and Improvement (MoREI) Network has been relaunched at ICSEI 2018 in Singapore, recognising the need to expand the network focus and activities to mixed methods research, policy and practice. The network began life as Methods of Researching Educational Effectiveness (MoRE), with a predominant quantitative orientation, at ICSEI 2006 in Barcelona.

For the purpose of MoREI Network, we define MoREI a group of connected like-minded academics, researchers, practitioners, other stakeholders and policy-makers who exchange ideas on research, policy and practice within the area of educational effectiveness and improvement.

The MoREI Network is open to researchers, practitioners and policy makers within the ICSEI family networks who work at local or system/ national level; open to those who have similar interests in the area and want to connect with other members in order to share knowledge.

Members of the network have consistently submitted papers and symposia to the annual conferences in increasing numbers.

As a network, we focus on the following:

  1. Sharing knowledge on educational effectiveness and improvement research through presenting and interpreting results of empirical studies in educational effectiveness and improvement;
  2. Exchanging ideas for research in effectiveness and evaluation of improvement programmes;
  3. Identifying new research methods for issues unique to educational effectiveness and improvement research
  4. Providing opportunities to advance the creation of knowledge between representative of educational settings across the world;
  5. Creating a platform for potential collaboration and synergies through developing research proposals for studies in educational effectiveness and improvement, especially international comparative studies;
  6. Contributing to the establishment of a data-bank of research instruments (Research instruments bank) in educational effectiveness & improvement studies;
  7. Discussing problems encountered in educational effectiveness & improvement research and identify possible solutions.

It is intended that members of the MoREI network will meet annually during the ICSEI conference.

Please join us in the Network meeting during the Conference in order to contribute to the discussion about MoREI Networks foci and other current topics in the dialogue.

We want to hear your voice – in your role as practitioner, researcher or, policy maker – and we look forward to welcoming you at ICSEI MoREI Network.

The Methods of Researching Educational Effectiveness and Improvement (MoREI) Network is on Twitter @ICSEIMoREI

For more information on the Network, please contact the MoREI Network co-coordinator:

Dr Maria Kaparou