Network Protocols

The purposes of ICSEI are to provide an international forum for exchange of information and discussions on critical issues, to promote dialogue among researchers and practitioners and policy makers, and to foster networks.

The ICSEI Executive Governing Board wants to encourage ICSEI members to form networks within ICSEI in order to strengthen and facilitate sharing of thoughts, experiences, communication and building of professional communities between researchers, practitioners and policy makers or within any of those categories.

ICSEI network will be offered web site communication facilities and real life meeting opportunities at the yearly conferences.


  1. All members of ICSEI can submit proposals to establish networks ([email protected]).
  2. Topics of networks should be relevant to ICSEI.
  3. In order to form an ICSEI network the following steps should be taken:
    1. Submit a proposal to the ICSEI Board/The President of ICSEI containing:
      1. The title/name of the network,
      2. a 50-100 word description of the network
      3. the name, affiliation, address and e-mail address of the convenor and a minimum of 4 co-convenors
    2. ICSEI Board processes the proposal and:
      1. Communicates the decision to the applicant
      2. If the network is approved of, the Board communicates with web site administrator who establishes a forum on the restricted web site and mails logins and passwords to the convenor, who will be the administrator of that particular forum (i.e. communicates with ICSEI web site administrator on giving new members of that network entrance to the forum).
      3. If the network wishes to meet during the conference, proposals should be submitted to the organizers of the conference at the dates fixed for submission of proposals for paper sessions, symposia, etc.