Members can join ICSEI Networks as part of their memberships. ICSEI network activities, both online and during congress, provide an international forum for the exchange of information and dialogue on critical issues though active discussion among researchers, practitioners and policy makers.
ICSEI members join ICSEI Networks to share their thoughts, experiences and challenges related to specific areas of interest and to build and strengthen professional communities between researchers, practitioners and policy makers. During Congress, the networks often host special sessions and meetings and they also support the presentation of papers and symposia specific to their focus area. Current Networks include:
- Crisis Response in Education Network
- Culture, Race, and Intersectionality Network
- Evidence-Informed Change Network
- Early Childhood Education and Care Network
- Educational Leadership Network
- Methods of Researching Educational Effectiveness and Improvement (MOREI)
Network - Professional Learning Networks Network
- Policymakers, Politicians and Practitioners (3P) Network
For ICSEI members interested in establishing a new network, see the Network Protocols page.